Allright! We'll go back to Wednesday the 9th. I'd been at the library studying all day, like the days before, and was about to tell you about some of the things I'd learnt, - such as:
- More men kill themselves, even though 3 times as many women try to do so.
- During ovulation women will be much more curios than normal, and than men, probably in order to investigate the environment in look for a decent sperm donor
- Addison's disease will make you confused
- Hypothyroidism can cause acute psychosis (love the sound of that).
And so on... When I got the message that my brother had just woken up in the hospital in Barcelona without a clue about what had happened. He was spending a couple of days solo, checking out the city, after having done a photo shoot of Gypaetus barbatus (a big bird) with some colleagues, up in the mountains. Wednesday afternoon he got disconnected to the Matrix and went down like any 192 cm tall guy loosing consciousness will go down - hard.
A lot of confusion, language difficulties, worried parents and total uncertainty about what had happened ended in my buying a flight ticket to Barcelona for Thursday morning. Sure, I wanted a break from studying, but this wasn't exactly the kind I'd hoped for... I got up early the next day, went to the airport, had breakfast there, waited a couple of hours, and then went back home... Morning well spent! By then my brother was getting help from the very nice manager of the hotel where he was staying, and I could go back to my books and endless hours in the library - not without checking my cell phone ever so often for news. A night with only a few hours of sleep combined with the freezing trip to the freezing airport was just what my sore throat needed to get a strong hold on my well-being for the week to come. I can't say I really felt that sorry for my brother when his insurance company finally got him in a fancy 4-stars hotel - paid for by them of course - and told him to stay 2-3 days and rest. Does that make me a bad sister? Here's some brother bragging to make it up to him:
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Gypaetus barbatus Photo by Andreas Kalvig Anderson |
And what's even wierder is the satus update a friend of a friend of mine wrote on facebook, saying that his day in Barcelona was so strange! He'd been doing a city tour with a group when he saw this guy who suddenly blacked out and went face first in the ground... Coincidence? Waiting to hear from this friend-of-a-friend. It can't be too difficult to remember if the guy he saw was tall, blonde and was wearing an orange and yellow jacket.
So, no blogging last week. Preoccupied with black-out brother and exams. And after having done my last exam, Tuesday this week, I've been busy enjoying some tiempo libre, - por fin! When I was rotting away in the library the sun was shining and those who already had done all their exams were out enjoying it, - drinking coffee in the sun, lying in the park in the sun, walking in the sun, being in the sun, in the sun, in the sun, the sun, sun sol sol! So when I finally finished my last exam on Tuesday and went to help a friend - Lucie - move to a more central apartment to live with nicer people, there was no reason why the sky shouldn't open every pore and shower Granada for 2-3 days. We went shopping. In the rain.
Yesterday we went walking in the sun. And we did so so well that my face is still burning... Me pongo roja! We - Cecilia, Lucie, Gjertrud y yo - went to Los Cahorros. Stay tuned for more on that and pics! Now: siesta and then tapas with a bunch of couchsurfers and good people of Granada <3
See you in the sun! Love mom