Sunday, March 6, 2011

Do You?

Do You know what kind of person You are? Or what kind of person You want to be? I have got some idea of what properties I posess, - both good and bad. But I'm starting to wonder if labels as "good" and "bad" are mixed up, or indeed, valid at all. Are you a good person if you tip-toe through life careful not to step on anyone's toes, or does that make you weak? If You don't care what people think, will that make them respect You, or resent You? If You do someone a big favor, does it make You feel good that You helped someone, or bad that they didn't appreciate it more? Do You suffer alone because You don't want to be a bother to others by asking for help, or do You feel proud to be so independent? Can You speak out your disgust for racism and discrimination to one side before turning to the other side and say "That's Italians for ya"? Do You think You are not taking yourself too seriously as long as You can make jokes about Yourself? Are You easygoing, or in fact desperate to make people like You? By making others like You, do you make You like You? Can You expect others to love You if You do not love You? Do You also dwell on good things said or done, or only on bad things? Do You congratulate Yourself on having kept your temper, or kick Yourself for not having spoken up? Do You feel that a fight cleans the air or pollutes it? Does it tire You more to say NO or YES? When someone greets You with "Hi, how are you?" on a bad day, Do You instinctively answer "I'm fine", or do You instinctively tell the truth? After leaning on a friend, do You feel glad that (s)he was there for You, or sad that You ruined the good mood? By chearing others up with words You do not believe in Yourself, are You being a ray of sunshine, or a hypocrite? Are You more scared to take a stand, or to remain open to all sides? When a stranger gives You a compliment, do You thank them or snap at them in disbelief? When You look in the mirror in the morning, do You smile or frown?

I imagine that there are two kinds of people: those who feel they understand themselves and therefore have no need for everyone else to understand them; and those who do not understand themselves and therefore crave that others do.

Maybe it's not a stupid joke afterall, - that those studying psychology do so to figure out themselves more than others.

Maybe that's not such a bad idea anyway.

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