Monday early afternoon I moved in to what will hopefully be my home for my entire stay here. I visited more than 15 apartments in two days! And I ended up with the first one I went too, my first day here... So at least I know that this place is better than around 15 other places... It is in fact great!
I've seen more than one apartment where one of the bedrooms and/or bathrooms has a view in to the kitchen, and other strange room divisions.
I, however, enjoy a beautiful view of the city and the mountains beyond.

My room seen from the washing room.

And here it is. The best one, according to Maria, whose parents own the place (except her own, I guess). Living with Maria and I are also to italian girls. I'm hoping to learn a lot of recipes from Sardinia throughout the year.

Details from the colorful living room.

Last but not least, - the one thing I was looking for in all the ads for apartmens, - we have a terraza! Small and strange, but with a beautiful view!
Im sold. Take me here. :D Im glad you found a place your happy with!