I managed to get some sleep on the train even though it was freezing! Woke up to this outside my window:
and actually felt glad the train had been late, so that I could get to enjoy more of the ride in daylight.
Mariana met me at the trainstation this morning and helped me with my luggage to the hostel. The taxidriver wouldn't drive us the only 5 minute walk, - which took us 15. Both suffering from serious sleep deprivation started the big piso búsqueda right away and didn't stop until we had circled the city center twice, seen 6 apartments, given me some hard decisions to make, and were ready to collapse.
We both went our separate ways agreeing to meet later for a tapas snack. That didn't happen. Both were too tired and I had to continue the search and prepare adresses to visit and people to call in the morning.
I noticed just after uploading this pic, that the ad I opened just for photography - and blogging purposes actually is for one of the apartments I visited today. Was nice, but the owner lives there herself. If it is one thing my friends renting are warning me about, it's living with the owner of the apartment.
Well, better get some sleep, - tomorrow is going to be yet another día muy largo...
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