Friday, April 29, 2011

Based on a true story - fairytale

Once upon a time there was a young princess who lived in a beautiful, strange kingdom called Erasmusutopia. Although it lay far away from her own kingdom she felt almost more like a princess there than in her Northern home where her parents - the King and Queen - and her servants lived. In Erasmusutopia every day was an adventure and a fairytale, - and being a princess she certainly knew the importance of such things.

However, there came a day when she started to get a bit bored with the everyday adventures. When living in her castle for so long she felt she knew all the possible endings to her daily fairytales. And so it was, she decided to travel north of the sun and south of the cold, east of the unknown and west of the familiar, and explore this here amazing kingdom.

- I will go on an adventure like never before, and I will pay 20 gold coins for whoever can build me a carriage worthy enough, - one that can cross provincial borders as well as personal barriers, the princess announced. In short time a noble knight stood forth and humbly explained that the weather was too warm for him to build anything in such short time, - but it would be an honor to bring Your Highness as far as I can in my grand carriage 'La Gorda'. The noble knight Raúl promised to bring a maiden and a joker to entertain and assist the princess on the way, - it will be a long journey, he explained. The princess accepted and so the adventure began.

La Gorda
The four of them had a humorous, but long journey as far as Zaragoza, where the princess was given a royal welcome by her friend The Dutchess of Flamenca. - My dear friend! What news of the South do you bring? Please, do tell me about your journey! The princess promised to do so, before bidding farewell to her travel companions who she hoped to see again soon for new adventures. That day would come sooner than she could have dreamt of.

The Dutchess
The Dutchess had found a suitable place for the two royalties to stay for a couple of nights, - in the humble abode of four wise sorceresses. They were welcomed with a delicious feast prepared by the apprentice of one of the them, and were told stories about the mysterious life of a woman of the art. The next day they visited an enchanted fortress full of colors, smiling people, good food and handmade treasures. The princess felt so happy, - this journey is truly an adventure and a fairytale! she exclaimed, and the Dutchess could do nothing but agree.

On the third day Knight Raúl contacted the princess and expressed how honored he would be to assist both her and the Dutchess on their journey onwards. So it was decided, and on their way to Pamplona they went, in his luxurious La Gorda. Oh! but what foul play! An evil wizard had cast a spell on the signposts to obscure them and put the Princess and her companions off track. Knight Raúl was however a man of wits and soon found back to the right path.

Even so, they arrived too late in Pamplona for the Highnesses to travel further the same day. Yet again knight Raúl had the solution, - Your Highnesses are welcome to spend the night in the home of a dear friend of mine who happens to be the Baronesse of The Winelands. I am certain that once she hears about Your position and situation she would like nothing more than to act at Your assistance. And so it was.

Also staying at the Baroness' mansion at that time, was a young earl from The Land of a Million Drums. The young royalties told their story and how they were on an adventure, an activity of great importance for people of their stature, to which the earl eagerly told them - Aso! I will in fact travel on north by midday tomorrow. My carriage is merely worthy of carrying Your Highnesses, but Your acceptance would be my greatest honor. - Dear, earl, replied the princess - the honor is all on our side. We are truly blessed to have met so many good helpers!

And so it came to be, that in the morning on the fifth day the young princess and the Dutchess of Flamenca woke up in a castle on the top of a hill in magical Bilbao, where the kind earl had brought them. Owner of the castle was the wise Lady June of Pikara who would be their generous host and guide for two wonderful days. Together they explored both beauty and ugliness, grey and colors, food for the body and food for the soul. It is always important for any young woman to know both sides of the story fairytale.

On the sixth day they felt ready to continue their adventure and following the advice of the kind Lady June, they decided to go by train to the city of San Sebastián. - The train ride to San Sebastián is just marvellous! It is so green and so close to the coast, - you would love it, I'm certain! she told them. They bid farewell with the Lady over a pancake lunch a princess worthy, before making their way to the train station and buying the tickets to the luxurious trainride. On the train they had time to reflect upon their good luck so far, and how good it was of them to create this fairytale.

Arriving in San Sebastián they were soon met by Karol, the Duke of L'Oyiére. He had agreed to host them beforehand, though only for a night due to all the chambermaids going on vacation the next day. - Without any chambermaids I truly cannot host such Highnesses as yourself, Karol excused himself, - you deserve so much more, it would be a stain on my good reputation. - Say no more, good Sir Duke! said the Dutchess, - we are more than grateful to make use of your splendous acommodation for but a night.

The Duke sent for his valet and good friend Piotr and together the two of them showed the young women around San Sebastián, the city centre as well as the small mountain, Monte Urgull, separating the city's two beaches. - This is such a beautiful city! stated the young princess. The Dutchess agreed, although she pointed out that the smell was less than rosy. Piotr was a well-read and intelectual man, and entertained the young royalties with stories and facts about the city and area. - Your Highness from the North must find it an interesting fact that the villagers used to hunt whales just outside the coast here. - Oh, please! Such talk of blood and killing is no topic for the innocent ears of a princess! protested the Dutchess. - Nonsense! My ears are no more innocent than are yours. It is an interesting fact indeed, but your talk is making me hungry. 

They all agreed that it was lunch time and let some of the locals prepare a royal picnic basket, which they happily did to show their gratitude for having two such highstanding and beautiful women visit their town. - This sure beats the time Julia Roberts came here for the opening of the new cinema! one of them said, and they all agreed while putting the freshest apples and the most delicate cheese in the basket. The royal highnesses found themselves a bench on a plaza in the old town to enjoy their picnic and take in the relaxed holiday atmosphere surrounding the town people.

Came nightfall the young women reluctantly packed their things - they had to do it themselves now that the chambermaids had left. They truly did not want to end this marvellous adventure so soon, however, royal duties called them elsewhere. As true gentlemen, the duke and his valet followed the princess and the Dutchess to their carriages and assured that they would get the royal treatment they required. - What a positivly wonderful time we have had with you strapping young gentlemen! I do indeed hope we meet again some day, the Dutchess said. - It has been an honor and a pleasure, I assure you, replied the Duke of L'Oyiére. They all bid their farewells after such a too short visit, and the young royalties boarded their separate carriages. Different duties required their presence in different cities.

As the young princess saw her dear friend, the Dutchess, leave San Sebastián in her carriage headed for Gijón, her own carriage silently set its wheels in motion and pointed its nose towards Granada yet again. She spent this time, in the dark of night, in her luxurious and comfortable carriage, to think back to the first days of her fairytale. - How truly rich am I, she said to herself, not thinking one bit about all her royal treasures, gems and costly clothes, - to have the possibility to wander out into the world and be greeted by so many amazing people and good helpers. What an adventure is this life on Earth.

And with a smile on her face she sank back on the silk cushions and shut her royal eyes, waiting for more fairytales to come entertain her through the night...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ch ch ch changes!

I've done some slight changes lately. Which I like. Which I need. If I don't change things now and again, try something new, or do something crazy I feel that my life is leaving me behind.

So this week I decided to only make salad all week, - no meat, no pasta, no bread. I love salad, but haven't really taken advantage of the excellent salad conditions here in Spain. In Norway the prices are high and the selection of greens is poorer and less fresh.

This here is a salad with couscous, avocado, cheese (Viking cheese from Denmark, of course!), cucumber, tomato, red pepper, dried cranberries (soaked in hot water for a couple of minutes) and different types of lettuce. Dressed only with lemon juice and olive oil. Another variant tried out during the week was salad with smoked salmon (Norwegian, of course!), avocado, cucumber, black pepper, cheese, lettuce, and the standards: cranberries, olive oil and lemon juice.

My breakfast/evening snack-variant: greek youghurt, whatever fruit available, walnuts and honey.

Another change was one I made together with Lucie. We got our ears pierced - third and fourth ear piercing for me, and fourth and fifth for Lucie. A bit in the moment, but cheap, quickly done, small, blue and beautiful. Making me and Lucie 'hermanas en sangre', tihi.

A kind of change: I'm gonna try something new for the first time tomorrow. I've wanted to try it for some time, and have been working up my guts. I'm going travelling couchsurfer-style up north of Spain. Tomorrow I'll meet up with my ride to go to Zaragoza, my ride being a spare seat in a van. It was announced on the website which makes it possible for the driver to save gas money and the passenger to save bus money ant lots of time. In Zaragoza I'll meet up with Joke, - a crazy Belgian girl I met when she was falling in love with Granada and ended up staying 2 weeks longer than planned, - and we'll spend Easter surfing couches around Basque Country. I'm really looking forward to travel in this way. Already I've met so many interesting people just being a part of the couchsurfing comunity. I highly recommend it: you don't have to host anyone, nor surf anywhere. You can just meet up for a coffee or a walk around the city. Or you can get together with someone to do an exchange of languages or talents. Genious.

Oh! And another change:

I feel like - in the words of my mother - a "crazy woman"!

Have a crazy and colorful Easter holiday, everybody!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


There are terrible temptations which it requires strength and courage to yield to.
- Oscar Wilde

Temptation recently made someone the happy, new owner of my wallet, cell phone and keys, but being an easy target for temptation myself, I can't really blame them.

Temptation have given me: a badly done tattoo in Vietnam, a motorcycle pipe burn, a student's life in Spain, bad exam results, good memories, fun stories, painful sunburns, adrenaline kicks, festival tickets, empty bank accounts, a single dread lock, some extra weight, new favorites, old flames, worried parents, laughing friends, beautiful views, a glacier course, a trip on the Trans-Siberian, starry skies, terrible hangovers, long nights, early mornings, heavy backpacks, more tea than I can finish in a year, a hookah, the possibility to enjoy a rainy day on a roofed balcony an April Sunday, and, by the looks of it, too much work too close to deadline.


I must be awfully strong and couragous. 

But am I strong enough to yield to my biggest temptation, bording on obsession? Do I have the courage to do what I have wanted to do for so long? Can you leave the comforting, entertaining and tormentingly tempting thought that is there the moment you wake up and follows you through all conversations, adorns all situations, decides your choice of music, helps you make dinner, and makes you smile when you normally wouldn't?

I'll be more specific: I've eaten close to 10 avocados and made taco twice in the last week. I enjoyed sitting alone by a bar late at night, just watching people, and giggled after realizing someone had stolen my purse from right next to where I was standing, - preparation! I've interrogated strangers about their travels. I've already called my boss from last spring to see if he has any work for me in the fall. And I have spent hours reading travelling tips for women going solo to Latin America, asking myself at every other sentence if I would have the street-smarts, common sense, social skills, immune system, confidence, strength and courage to deal with border bureaocracy and 20 hour long bus rides; to count only on myself in balancing safety and budget; telling the difference between 'go-ahead-and-have-fun' situations and 'get-the-hell-out-of-there' situations.

I guess there is only one way to find out. I just have to save up some money, and stick to my promise that I'd visit my friends in Brazil and the fact that if I don't go, I'll regret it.