Monday, January 24, 2011


No, not in the way you probably think. Homesick as in I've caught a cold because our apartment is SO FRIGGIN' COLD! Seeing that 75% of the people living here (eerm...that makes three) now are best friends with tissue paper, tea, their pajamas and bed covers, I claim to have sufficient grounds to blame our indoor temperature. Which we can't really control. Central heating really isn't all it's cracked up to be if it doesn't actually produce heat... Yes, of course I'm exaggerating, - the heating was on today for a good 5 hours. I mean, that's 5 hours more than yesterday :)

So, I took the afternoon off and hid under the covers as soon as I'd eaten the last scraps of my Saturday dinner. Finally saw "The Social Network" and imidiately checked my facebook account afterwords. Felt wierd... Got over it quick enough though. Good thing computers can't catch human viruses, - I just sneezed on Mr. Mac...

When I'm really sick, - shivering feverish, my whole body aching, - there is few things I miss more than my dear old mum (kidding, - old = wise :). But on a sick-day like today, - when I can manage just fine really, and don't need more sympathy than I can muster myself, - it's probably more relaxing to be without a conversational partner. That doesn't mean I don't wish I had someone here with me. I greatly miss that speciel someone who is the best company one can have when sick enough to need comfort, but not care.  Someone who curls up behind your knees in bed and gives you warmth and comfort. Someone who stares at you understandingly when you get a sneeze attack. Someone who listens attentively when you need to complain. Someone who smiles at you totally undemandingly, - just hoping for a taste of whatever sickbed goodies you might have and to be scratched on her stomach. Someone who not at all minds spending most of the day in bed, but who will jump up readily whenever you feel ready to step outside for some fresh air, big eyes beaming at you with happiness and loyalty.

Someone I miss very much even though she's with me every day. Always.

Friday, January 21, 2011



    1. loose
    2. weak
    3. slack
    4. floppy
    5. sluggish
    6. soft
    7. lax
    8. limp
    9. flabby
    10. feeble
    11. thin
    12. dull
    13. lame
    14. sagging
    15. idle
    16. flagging
    17. wishy-washy
    18. groggy
    19. wonky
    20. nerveless
    21. watery
    22. supine
    23. forceless
    24. threadbare
    25. fading
    26. milk-and-water

Hello, exam mode. Long time no see. Please make me productive, efficient and hard-working. Please don't deprive me of my social intelligence, and don't make me too flojo. I'll bear over with your horrible sense of humour with the knowledge that you'll leave me in a month or so - that day can't come soon enough.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

No pain, no fame!

My first four months in Spain were fantastic! As you'd better know by now, I had a heck of a time doing all sorts of tings, meeting all sorts of people, going all sorts of places. But all in all, I spent too much time sitting on my ass doing too little. That's why my list of New Year resolutions sounded more like the lyrics of Radiohead's Fitter Happier than anything doable for someone so lacking in self-discipline.

These last days have however made me hope that I will keep my resolutions for longer than just January. The trick is to find something that's really fun doing - so you forget the time - and great people to do so with (sadly this strategy doesn't quite go for my studies here). I have been exploring the university's swimming pool, a bouldering room, and today I finally got to go rock climbing for real! It's so easy when you have friends who help you get what you need to do so, and then bring you along! AND bring their Didgeridoo!

Never leave home without it
Remember folks: this is January... In the mountains... The boys had confidence in Andalucian winter, - Lucie and I did however not, and were wearing wool shirts and long legged pants. Oh well, we managed. We drove from the city to the close-by village of Alfacar - one of the many popular climbing sites in Granada (which is the name of the province as well as the city).
What a perfect day: perfect weather, beautiful view, enjoyable melodies rising from a mix of the bells of hundreds of sheep and goats and their continuous bleeting.

Getting ready
All in all we climbed three different routes of varying difficulty, however all of them on a level suitable for beginners. It wasn't always easy to find a good hold when they weren't painted bright orange/green/red/yellow/blue/pickyourchoice nor sticking out in front of me.

But hey! I did it! I went all the way up to about a cuple of metres higher than Michal (in the picture at the bottom), before I got stuck for the last time and were too exhausted to keep trying to reach the Oh-so-close top. I'm not disappointed. I'm as proud as can be! That point, - where I was clawing at bare rock, looking down, surprised by my lack of fear, - is located roughly 23m above our starting point.
I don't view myself as a particularly daring or excitement-seeking person. I'm far from being an adrenaline junkie - give me a good book and I'll be very content. The feeling I get from climbing is indescribable. By every little difficulty I meet and overcome on my way to the top, I surprise myself! My puls is running, I forget to draw proper breaths, my arms and legs are shaking, adrenaline is pumping through my veins, my reason is begging me to give up, lean back and relax in my harness. I keep going, in my head not understanding why and telling myself to stop.

What stops me in the end is not my reason, nor a lack of will, neither is it the growing feeling of discomfort I feel deep inside from seeing the ground beneath me being so far away. My arms are ready to come off... I simply can't hold on any longer. And so I finally lean back, trusting my newly bought harness, a creaking rope, and my attentive belayer.

And attentive he/she has to be! We all got a proper scare today when the piece of rock where Michal was looking for a good hold suddenly broke loose and came hurtling down the side of the mountain luckily hitting the ground a good way away from the rest of us. I guess Michal was lucky as well, seeing that he got away from a fall of about 8-10 metres with some bruises, scratches and aching muscles. We all saw it and felt it happening in slow motion, and I was honestly thinking: "No chance in H*** will this end well". It looked like he hit his head when he came to a stop against the rock, but after blinking a couple of times he assured us that he was fine, and with the help from Lukas - the shaken belayer - he descended the rest of the mountain side in a slightly safer way.
Minutes before falling

Please don't worry too much, mom, We're being careful! Yet, it is impossible to avoid bruised and scratched up knees and arms. Sometimes Mother Nature draws blood. Like she did when I landed in a needle bush of some kind on my way down.  Having said that: neither one of us thought it a good idea to bring sunscreen... So, to all you poor bastards enjoying a more northern January: I've got a sunburn! Ædda bædda!

As for the feeling of self-surprise I'm trying to describe, - any of you (who might or might not be reading this) know what I mean? When and how - if ever - do you surprise yourselves?

Friday, January 14, 2011

...and the Vikings drank from the skulls of Brits.

After a 7 month long break, I'm finally going climbing again! Went bouldering on Tuesday and today with Lucie (checa) and Cecilia (italiana), and going, for the first time, climbing outside, in the actual mountain mañana! In the bouldering hall on Tuesday, I met a Norwegian who offered me to join him and his girlfriend to go mountain climbing one day. I am however not going with them tomorrow, but with three checos. I'm making climbing buddies, at last!

So I have to get up early tomorrow to buy shoes for climbing! Bought a harness tonight. From a checo. In a bar. A "groove dance club". And that's what we did. And a griego told me how come Norwegians say "Skål!".

Ya me acuesto. Tengo mucho ilusión por escalar mañana!

Monday, January 10, 2011

De invierno a primavera en 4 horas!

That's rigth! I'm back in Granada after a cold, snowy, lazy, expensive, WonderfuL! Christmas holiday in Stavanger. I enjoyed the company of Gjertrud - fellow Norwegian studying in Granada - on my journey yesterday. My plan was to jump up behind her and yell BOOH! on the airport eeeaarly in the morning, seeing that I had bought a ticket to the same flight as her, without her knowing about it. I am however a terrible liar, - meaning that I am unable to lie about the tiniest insignificant detail - and so it didn't take her too long to figure out what my lack of response to her questions about my time of arrival in Granada meant. In stead, she surprised me by having a friend come pick us up at the airport in Malaga, thus getting us to Granada an hour or so earlier than planned - much appreciated!

Also much appreciated: I can switch from wool coat to leather (ahem - polyester) jacket! And from knitted hat to fancy hairdo! And from warm, good winter boots to worn out Converse <3

 ALSO much appreciated: as of 3rd of January 2011 it is now prohibited to smoke in bars, restaurants, cafés etc.! No se permite fumar! Gonna go down to the bar La Marisma - paradise for passive smokers - and check out the effects one day soon. Brighter minds then mine have uttered their concern for the teterías (tea houses) where one might order a cachimba. Will the law affect them too? Would be a pity...

Also a pity: I forgot my sweet, brown, Oh, so Norwegian Gudbrandsdalsost in my mom's fridge :( Every Norwegian with the smallest amount of pride for being just that know how I feel...
Mmmm... Oat biscuits with brown cheese... How could I leave you behind!

But hey! The nice girl from Boston, living in Sevilla, going to Mo i Rana, that I met at the airport in Oslo on my way home (breath), gave me stickers... Pope stickers! I was so beside myself from joy that I forgot to blog the whole holiday! True story...